Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Enable Lync 2013 on Office Communicator 2007 Server and Enable Appear Offline Status

This is a simple registry tweak that will let you use Lync 2013 on a Office Communicator 2007 Server, and it will also enable the appear offline status that is not available out of the box.

Simply merge the attached registry tweak and you are good to go.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Updates listed twice after updating Mac OS X Yosemite DP 5

Found something odd after I updated to OS X 10.10 DP5 this evening. If you look in the Updates section in the App Store, I see the update installed twice.

Found that this is pretty normal while using the betas for them to show up 2/3 times.

If you, like me (?) have ocd or something and it's bugging you. You can edit the updates that the App Store shows here: ~/Library/Application Support/App Store/updatejournal.plist

Open the terminal and write:

chflags nohidden library

To show the Library Folder.
Then i used Text Wrangler app to edit the .plist

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

FIX Error 'Could not find this item. This is no longer located in :\ Verify the item's location and try again'

I got that message after copy and paste files from my external hard disk to my PC (windows 8.1), while some files weren't able to be pasted. I pressed the 'try again button', still the same problem happened.

The file that wasn't responding was in C:/Users//Downloads. So I opened Command Prompt and typed the following:

cd downloads

dir /x

[long list of files and folders in \Downloads, with each given an additional short name, in the case of my file it was FILE~1]

del FILE~1

...and that did it. Apparently some have had more success renaming the file:


Friday, March 7, 2014

How to get rid of annoying Skype advertisements on the main and chat window:

1. Open Host file


** Open Notepad in Administrator mode and navigate to host file location.

2. Add the following lines at the end:

## Block Skype Ads rad.msn.com live.rads.msn.com ads1.msn.com static.2mdn.net g.msn.com a.ads2.msads.net b.ads2.msads.net ac3.msn.com

3. Save host file and restart Skype.